A review by thatsoneforthebooks
Ice: From Mixed Drinks to Skating Rinks—A Cool History of a Hot Commodity by Amy Brady


✨ Review ✨ Ice: From Mixed Drinks to Skating Rinks—A Cool History of a Hot Commodity by Amy Brady

Brady unwinds a popular history of ice across this book from the harvesting of ice and entrepreneurial attempts to sell it in the South and the Caribbean to the rise of refrigerators and fancy cocktails to the popularization of ice sports, she covers centuries of ice history. Those who've traveled abroad know that the American obsession with ice is truly that, but this helps us dig into that past a bit. She also shows us a bit of the future of ice and asks us to consider about the impact of our reliance on ice and cold in this world of climate change.

(Did you know that choosing an energy efficient fridge and properly disposing of old fridges is one of the most important household choices you can make around climate impact?)

The book is full of fun facts and the audio narration is engaging. This is a perfect read for these heat wave summer days!
