A review by marymoth
Beware That Girl by Teresa Toten


“My old man was a walking, talking master class. But in the end, the main thing I learned—the best thing—was never to bring a knife to a gunfight.”

Starting off by saying I had a huge slump, due to different personal reasons I didn´t even feel like reading, back to it though, a few months back, I saw this book in my local library and got really curious by the reviews, etc. It also hyped me up more the fact that I love thrillers, I find them really entertaining and love guessing.

This however, I felt more like I was watching a TV show where everyone was just being petty to one another and horny about one guy, as if the girls in the book had never seen a boy in their lives. I´M SERIOUS. The book revolved about this guy who somehow made everyone horny except the main character. RIGHT. Okay.

Anyways, basically Kate, our main character does not come from a privileged status as all the other girls, which is fine. I thought the author would explore more this point. She had a scholarship in every school she went to, and she wanted to go to Yale. So, being in the school she currently was on, somehow helped with that, she worked and lived in Chinatown, right before she meets Olivia Sumner. Which she ultimately USES to have a better place to live in and manipulates her to have what she wants.

Kate has a "dark" and "shameful" past, I wouldn´t categorize it like that if you ask my opinion. Anyways, she skips from school to school with scholarships, and makes people not say anything about her secret because Yale would *blow* up. Basically.
Olivia also has a "dark" past. Wow. Which could also potentially not get her into Yale. So what do both of them do? They manipulate each other to get into Yale. If you ask me, a bit too much work to get there, but WAIT. Gets better as the book goes on.

So anyways, horny gets better of all of them, which well, is to be expected after all of them just *drool* after him for the entirety of 300 pages.

This is when our sexy, manipulative, rich and educated boy comes into play. He complies to every one of them and things start going downhill after that. Now, if you have not read this book, spoilers ahead, I will have some SPOILER signs soon so you can click safely away if you haven´t read this.




You´ve been warned, seriously go if you plan on reading this book.

“Waiting was a tragicomedy. There was this whole absurdist, endless, excruciating quality to it. We distract ourselves in a million different ways to delude ourselves into thinking that we're not "waiting", because waiting is unendurable. Waiting has demands. It percolates with fear and potential rejection, and threatens you with despair... There's always a wisp of hope in the hopelessness...”

So, as I was saying, things start to go downhill with this dude. Why? Well he uses all of them. Basically "too sexy" to turn down. He uses the director, the head of administrations, the girls, all of them to get what he wants. He gets the information in regards to both, Olivia and Kate, which he uses to control them.

Olivia falls in love with him, by this point, Kate tries to warn her about him, to which she replies she is jealous. OML. *face palm* anyways, things continue to go on like that until Kate sees Olivia naked one day and sees hes been giving her scars and bruises. Olivia is still in love with him anyways, so things don´t end well with Kate.

In this point of the book is when we realize Mark is using Olivia to get to Kate his "ultimate obsession" and is threatening her to expose her secret to Kate, so she complies. Kate finds out about Olivia´s secret by herself so, not much of a surprise when she finally opens her eyes and refuses to give him Kate.

They both create a master plan which ends going to hell and Olivia accidentally kills Mark, which obviously means trouble for them, how do they solve it? They try to make it look like a perfect murder although, in my opinion and with the information i still have fresh, that wouldnt have been possible for a number of reasons. Meaning, DNA was all over him and the scene just wasn´t well planned, it was rushed. So basically? They make it look like a car crash, but: here´s the catch: he also goes into the river? how? did his corpse walk? Anyways! The last sloppy part, she calls the ambulance, which brings police, firefighters etc. Again, sloppy. Police would find out in real life. And then: gold pin. Turns out he had been investigated the whole time, which means: *drumroll* you guessed it! They did all that for nothing ( not that killing someone is excusable but you know what I mean).

So Kate end up hospitalized, and Olivia being the person that was the manipulator all along. WHAT?

So yeah, my final thoughts: I wouldn´t do all that just to get into Yale. The good news is though, they did get into Yale, still so much work just to get into Yale. I mean, the people I know, would not just kill someone to get into college. Anyways.

SERIOUS FINAL THOUGHTS: Marketing people did a good job, but ultimately its not what it promises. Too much drama, and tbh, not much of a thriler to me. Try The Girl On The Train or Sharp Objects if you want a good thriller. I didnt hate it, but well, its also and obviously not my favorite.