A review by seeingnight
Spark Rising by Kate Corcino


GENRE: New Adult
THEME: Dystopian, Romance, Fantasy
BLOG: http://seeingnight.blogspot.com/


Dystopian’s are usually tough for me to get into or at least see the big picture settling that the author is trying to create. But Kate Corcino writes a dystopian that isn’t so doom and gloom dark, but more fantasy intriguing and makes your think more than anything. I loved the idea of the Dust being an advanced technology in this futuristic earth. It goes to show how much can change over time, and the effects it could have on humans.
Spark Rising follows Lena who was thought to be dead, but is kept hidden because of how powerful of a Spark she is. As a Spark she can control dust in the air, which makes the Council (similar to a government) afraid she could be too power, especially since she is a girl. She is eventually tracked down, her calmer life disrupted by an agent for the council who wants her too join his cause.

Lena is a fantastic lead; she is extremely powerful but of course not perfect. Lena is someone who never backs down from a fight and has been protecting herself for a long time. After her father is murdered, which also puts her family in danger she is ready for battle. I felt so much for her because she such a likeable character but has to go through so much betrayal and heartache by people she thought she could trust. Her dynamic with Alex is what kept me hooked, their first encounter was brilliant, showing how Alex wasn’t prepared for Lena strength and determination. It triggered a “spark” in them; they had so much chemistry right off the start.

Alex is a character who I had a love hate relationship with all throughout. I think it was because he was a bit of a mystery; he had a very different upbringing than Lena. Alex is a stubborn guy and most of the time had me shaking my head because he wanted to keep his distance from Lena, but seriously he can’t resist her charm. He is drawn from the beginning and I wasn’t sure if he was going to be a bad guy until I read from his point of view how much he wants to keep her safe.

Overall I really enjoyed this world building that Corcino created. The characters are very well developed; and even though I have some unanswered question about the world created I know I ‘ll get more answers in the next book. The romance of course was my favorite tidbit, as I always have to have some “spark” in my books. Alex and Lena have some awesome tension building chemistry from the beginning, and when they become close its total fireworks and I loved it. The ending left me excited to continue, I’m not stressing about waiting on the next book because it ended on a good note.