A review by bethgiven
The Life Intended by Kristin Harmel


Kate's husband, Patrick, died in a car accident twelve years ago, and finally Kate is moving on -- or is she? She starts having incredibly vivd dreams in which Patrick is still alive -- and that she has a daughter. Is it just her subconscious dealing with real-life issues, or do the dreams mean something more? Is there some alternate reality in which Kate and Patrick live happily ever after? Can Kate reach that reality somehow -- or does she even want to? She may not have intended for life to turn out how it has, but Kate comes to realize that her adversities have helped her grow -- now it's up to her to choose happiness.

Okay, so this is a little bit of a fast-and-fluffy read -- and pretty darn predictable (I don't think there was a plot twist I didn't see coming). Some of the characterizations are a little two-dimensional (perfect-not-perfect Dan, the fiance, is a good example -- for some reason the reader's the only one can see that he's a jerk, so we're not at all sad when the inevitable breakup happens). But the story itself was engaging, and there were some interesting themes explored: growth through trials, finding fulfillment in career and family, and how might the past affect the future. Might make for an interesting book club discussion.

Clean readers: maybe a dozen swear words (including the s-word -- no f-bombs, thankfully) and references to sex (married and premarital), but nothing detailed.