A review by jokoloyo
The Wurms of Blearmouth by Steven Erikson


This is the fifth Bauchelain & Korbal Broach (B & KB) series, and it is much better than the fourth. The fifth story is direct continuation from the third story "The Lees of Laughter's End", many characters reappears from "The Lees...".

For fans of B & KB: this novella gives the usual pleasure, and I love the climax. So far, I think the best ending for B & KB are this novella and "The Healthy Dead". The dark humour is a mandatory, so don't worry, there are many hilarious punch lines (well, more like stab/slash/behead/bite lines) in this story.

The most impressive thing about this novella: Korbal Broach on this story is the best so far although he appeared on fewer pages than on "The Lees of Laughter's End" where he was also amazing. On this story he is pictured as a childish person. I got one little surprise from one of is action at near the end of the story.

For otheres who hasn't read this series: I suggest to read the previous stories. At least the first one "Blood Follows" to understand more of some dialog between Bauchelain and Reese (and the grasp the unspoken warm hearted master-servant relationship. Mr. Erikson shows his great writing style by bring out the drama implicitly); and "The Lees of Laughter's End", there are some reappearance characters from "The Lees...".