A review by martinroberts
Bone Meal Broth by Adam Cesare


I enjoyed this collection a great deal. There's plenty of creepy characters (Rollin & Jeanie)*awesome, and freaky imagery for the horror fan to enjoy in the short, sharp shocks offered in Bone Meal Broth.

From the opening story - The Still - through to the closing tale, The White Halloween, both of which happen to be highpoints in my opinion, Adam allows us nine brief glimpses into a world just out of sync with the one most us inhabit - thankfully - steering us down, into the dark, shattering the fragile safety of our brighly lit and populated world.

The light is just out of reach, forever beyond our grasp.

I do however think that this is just a starter for the main course...The Tribesman - my copy is en route so I don't have too long to wait to find out.

I can't end these thought's without mention of a story called Trap. Having personally experienced a home invasion of the twitching kind myself, I certainly related to this tale on a personal level and I suspect that others will too.

*For Awesomwe fellow brits may choose to read splendid!