A review by irishpierogies
Leon Uris: Life of a Best Seller by Ira B. Nadel


Ugh, I'm so annoyed. I had read some initial negative reviews, but I just adore Leon Uris and this is the only (maybe?) biography of him out there, so I said to myself, It can't be that bad.

It is.

To be honest, this book is just boring. It's slow moving and lacks any compelling quality that distinguishes what makes a biography good.

I think the author fashions himself as a literary critic because this book is 50% critiquing Uris' novels and writing style, 50% biography of Uris' life. I think this would be a passable format if they were done well, but, as I've echoed before, it's a very lackluster book.

There are even scenes were the author really could have done a deeper dive and he just totally swung and missed on the opportunity and instead wrote one boring summary sentence.

I ended up skipping entire chapters and using the index to read more about Uris' books I have loved. Even those sections were dull and not very informative as I would have hoped.

Very disappointed.