A review by electricbloom
The Adventures of Holly White and the Incredible Sex Machine by Kris Kneen


What the hell did I just read? Seriously.

I got this as an ARC ebook from Edelweiss.

I don't know where to start with this train wreck. Young woman, abstaining from sex, discovers that her vagina glows blue when she is aroused. (YEAH) She joins a book club and it's a sex book club. She reads these books and decides to go to Paris to have her own sexual story based off these French Erotic novels. There is a time traveler? Explorer? Building a sex/orgasm/orgone?/pleasure battery machine. He finds her and they just start doing crazy sexual explorations with a million different people. Oh yeah, there are aliens. But not just any aliens - flying vaginas.

This was without a doubt one of the more bizarre books I've ever read. I found that the story started pretty straight forward and followed a good plot line...for a while. Then things got really insane. The story in part one flowed perfectly. Part two was just jump after jump to different sexual encounters. There really was very little story building. Just lots of sex. I understand that it's a sexual/erotic book but there was very little story...which leads me to part three. Part three had just a bit of explanation from what happened in part two. Then things got weird. Time was lost; I don't know how much time elapsed during the happenings in part three. The ending was so bizarre and so vague I know what happened, I read this trainwreck, but I don't really comprehend why it happened. It wasn't a good ending. Heck, it wasn't a good book. The whole story just jumped so far between happening or so many things happened within one day you couldn't possibly believe that all that happened within, let's say, the 4 hours it did in the book. The time table just really got me. I hate that.

Holly, our main character/heroine - was flat, other than her glowing vagina. She was just a run of the mill, valley girl type that comes into her sexual own through her shenanigans. When she found out she liked sex, she's just became a crazed animal. The secondary characters were just as flat. Very few descriptions of them. It was easy to picture holly but everyone else to me, I pictured a faceless, generic mannequin. There was no depth in both description of their person or their personality. I found that many of the descriptions were wasted on things that didn't really matter. It was not easy to like the characters; I wasn't attached to any of them and all were equally forgettable.

The sci-fi aspect was lost. I wouldn't even really call this a 'sci-fi' thing. Yeah, there were aliens...in the last 3 pages. They were flying vaginas. Enough said. They reference there 'possibly' being aliens during the story. But everything is so turned around, and so much is trying to be crammed into those pages, it just really didn't work. I feel like the story would have been much better if we would just have taken the 'book club' idea and ran with her going on a literary self discovering. Drop the sci-fi. IT DID NOT WORK. It was like it was a last minute idea, thrown in hastily. NO.

The sex. Descriptors were repetitive and dialog was just reused over and over. If I read one more sentence using a re-purposed description for 'hard, erect nipples' I was going to lose it. I hope you like the words "juice", "fluid", "ejaculate" and "slit" because are the three words of choice during each scene. The first time it was like 'Wow, that really paints a picture.' By the end, I could probably tell you exactly how each encounter was going to play out. It's just all really redundant. At the end a guy was copulating with a goat. No context. Just, everyone is having sex and a guy is having a good time with a goat. That's not sexy- that's bestiality.

As a book reviewer, I feel like I should be able to read any genre and give an honest opinion. I took a chance with this one. I simply don't feel like erotica, or what I've read so far, is for me. It's all redundant, overplayed, and simply not 'sexy'. I don't think that reading this was sexy. It was, for me, insanely hilarious, raunchy (in a funny way) and not remotely sexy. I didn't get that 'thrill' many women get from reading erotica. It's just like a big joke to me...I just don't get the appeal.

I read it. Did I enjoy it? Not for the right reasons. It was like a tragic, hilarious comedy to me. Tragedy in that it was just so wild and made such little sense as things began to come to a close. Comedy...well, read it an you'll understand. Would I recommend it? That's a big no. I couldn't honestly let someone read this unless they asked me for a really hilarious, slightly bad book. Then maybe...probably not.