A review by hollaback77
Acquisition by Chelle Bliss


Acquisition by Chelle Bliss is book one in a two-part series that will continue in Merger. A lot of authors nowadays are doing this "Duet" trope, having the book end on a cliffhanger and then immediately releasing the next in the series the following month or week. While for some it seems to work and for others it doesn't- this author seems to have caught the market on this book because it was a short and interesting read. It kept my attention and even though I kind of knew who the mole was early on -
because of their skeeviness...I still enjoyed the mysteriousness of it all.

Lauren and Antonio together were a hot couple!! I could just picture him in my mind and what I was picturing made me stop what I was doing and preorder Merger (because I hadn't done that yet!) I mean, it doesn't matter how it ended - if the books not good, I'm not preordering the second one! Some people will get upset because this did end on a cliffhanger, but those really don't bother me much. Now, if you're going to release a year later, then that will bother me. However, the only thing that really bothered me was the s@#$*& content and the heroine going back and forth on how she felt about the hero. Other than those two things - it was a well-executed, well-written book. If you can overlook the fact that it ended on a cliffhanger and wait a month, then it'll teach you patience. The side characters in this are enough that are well-developed and well-rounded, that you'll want to read it. It has some good espionage in it.

I was given an ARC copy of this book by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.  All opinions expressed are my own and do not reflect anyone else's.