A review by sharondblk
All Our Shimmering Skies by Trent Dalton


I don't even know what this book is, but once I got into it, I couldn't put it down. Is it a parable? A literal story? A fable? Does it matter? it brings me back to that old thing (I don't even know if it's true) -There are only two stories, in one a stranger comes to town, and in the other the protagonist goes on a journey. This is mainly the story of a long walk in the northern Territory Outback, and the internal and external journey that the characters experience.

One small thing that bugged me is that the outback seemed very busy. I get it, it's a parable, or magic realism, or this had to happen to make the story work, and they were walking down a sort of road, but they still seemed to bump into people frequently!

it took me two tries to successfully get into this book. This first time it all seemed a bit hard. and it's certainly not an easy or happy book, but it is definitly worth taking the journey.