A review by ljrinaldi
When Dreams Come True by Rebecca Emin


You know how when friends tell you their dreams, and they kind of ramble on, and then come to a conclusion, sort of.

That is what this book reminded me of. I think all the other reviews that gave it four and five stars must have read another book. I kept almost not finishing it, but towards the 75% point a plot, of such, emerged, so I thought, well, might as well see what the whole point of this piece of drivel is.

And then the book ended, and it made no sense.

Just like a dream.
SpoilerThe plot, such as it is, is that Charlie's Aunt Jenny might be dying, nad Charlie discovers that the reason she lives in the old mansion was because her parents didn't like her boyfriend Andrew, and so said if she married him, the estate would be sold, and she would have to find somewhere else to live. So, what happens? Jenny marries Andrew. Odd, because I would think the will stipulation would still be in effect, and she would lose the house, although that is never brought up. Weird.

In between we have girls pining after boys and boys pining after girls, and going to Devon, and back and riding ponies, and not.

This book is obviously for someone, but it wasn't for me. Not worth it. Sorry. And the dreams? The dreams that came true? No idea why they were important.

Thanks to Netgalley for providing this book for an honest review.