A review by hollidayreadswithme
How to Love a Jamaican by Alexia Arthurs


I LOVED this book. I mean so much that I bought a real copy after listening to it on Libby. As someone with Jamaican heritage, I was able to really get something out of this. It brought me back to my youth and I bought a copy for a friend of mine.

Things I liked:
The writing was phenomenal. Each story had it's own distinct voice and that's not just because I listened to it, but because there was something that made them all different even though they centered around the same theme. I mean it was something to be admired because I found myself emotionally invested in every character, even though I was only introduced to them for a short time.

Things I didn't like:

Overall / Final thoughts:
i feel like this is a true depiction of Jamaican culture. There is something here that can transcend just that but it does a great job of explaining some of the traditions and expectations held by Jamaicans and it did so without making fun. It did so with elegance and grace and made me more proud of my heritage.

2019 POPSUGAR Challenge - A book by an author whose first and last names start with the same letter