A review by authorkmg
My Date From Hell by Tellulah Darling


from pagetrotter.blogspot.com

Kelsie's Review: 3.5 Stars

Ok so let me start with all the things we know to be true. Tellulah is kick butt in the witty banter, swoony boys, action pact, evil villain, character building, world building, and all other things department. This book had all of those elements.

We get to see more of the mythology take shape in this book. We see more of Kai which is always a plus. We learn so much and it this book is so action pact that it reads super fast. So why then did I get it 3.5 stars? Ok hear me out. So I've noticed something with second books. They are like an info dump. I got a little lost in this one. I forgot what the original mission was, I found myself going back to reread sections because I got lost and I hate that because it was a good book! I also didn't like the ending, but this is more my frustration with the characters than with the author so take that into consideration.

My Date From Hell is still the hilarious, drama filled, angsty YA romp it's promised to be. Would I recommend this? Yes! Totally. Am I going to read the next installment? Uh, yes. The ending in this one demands it! DEMANDS IT I TELL YOU!

Nadia's Review: 4 out of 5 stars

We're baaaaack! With the impatiently awaited second book in Tellulah Darling's Blooming Goddess Trilogy.

So! For those of you not in the know, Tellulah Darling is one of indie publishing's best kept secrets. Her stories are full of snark, wit, and characters you can easily see yourself being best friends with. If you want to join Darlingdor's Army, start with Sam Cruz's Infallible Guide to Getting Girls and go from there!

Now. On to the review. If this book were a rollercoaster it would be The Goliath. Not only does it take us all around the world and back, but it leaves you feeling like you're about to fly out of your seat at any moment.

I won't lie, the beginning was a little shaky, mainly cuz it felt like the book had already started and I was just now tuning in. BUT. It could be cuz I didn't have time to do a reread of the first one before I got my hands on the second one. However, once I got my bearings we were off!

I loved, loved, loved Aphrodite. Singing in the Rain is one of my absolute favorite movies and, weirdly enough, I had literally watched it the night before I started the book (Aphrodite looks and sounds exactly like Lina Lamont!).

Sophie and Kai's development was what I enjoyed most about the entire book. Not just their developing relationship, been rooting for that since he stepped onto the page, but them as people with thoughts and feelings and problems that go deeper than 150-200 pages. I felt for Sophie when she thought she found her mother, and finally connected with Kai when he spoke about Hades.

Oh! Oh! And the ending. Whoo Boy, you need to pick up the book and read it just for the ending. Man. Sophie has some dark times ahead of her.

A wonderful installation to a solid series, get out there and read it! Except if you haven't read the first one, start there!