A review by cezzie
Be Awesome: Modern Life for Modern Ladies by Hadley Freeman

Did not finish book.


First DNF of the year.

I wanted to love this so much but Freeman's writing often went off into nonsensical rambles and there was no actual constructive & empowering advice on how to 'be awesome'.

I thought this would be an inspiring read to start the year but it just came off as a series of messy blog posts.

It was also clear that if Freeman really was setting out to empower women with her words, she only had one type of woman in mind:

In a chapter entitled 'ten awesome books', she lists books by 9 white women and a white man.

In a chapter entitled 'ten awesome women', she lists 8 white women, Miss Piggy, and Nina Simone.

In a chapter about '5 awesome films and 5 very un-awesome films', she has a Woody Allen film in the 'awesome' list.

I'd recommend this book for women who brand themselves feminists but have no idea what intersectionality is and are unwilling to break out of their white feminist bubble. I'd also recommend it to people who don't mind reading pages after pages of narrative that has clearly never been touched by an editor.

What a disappointment.