A review by subhamroxx
The Flash, Vol. 6: Out of Time, by Van Jensen, Robert Venditti, Brett Booth


This was a fun one!

Its so epic this whole story as we follow two timelines like Barry 20 years in the future who thinks he has failed things and goes back in time to fix things and along the way fights Mirror master and spends the last moments with Cold together which was such an awesome scene and then fighting off Trickster and in a way he is trying to set things right and I love the way its interlaced with the main timeline Barry.

And then in the present, Barry is trying to find the killer of a former crew and the suspect is believed to have taken the weapons of former criminas and is hunting them down and they have labelled the killer "Mashup" and the whole detective case of who it is and all is just fascinating and the reveal of it was awesome and I love the way the main story deals with the consequences of Forever evil and showing how much the world has changed and how the people blame the heroes aka Flash for disappearing and the drama it leads to is so well written here. Plus stories with Patty and Wally are awesome and I love the whole pacing of it until its Blue Flash vs Present Flash!

And the fight is so epic with cool cameo along the way and a great twist again which makes this volume such a great read and like one of my faves of the whole series, it takes familiar elements of Flash mythos and makes it so much more awesome than it is! The art of Brett Booth is an amazing thing here and makes the whole thing a must must read! It just feels kinetic which is perfect for the flash book and each panel feels *alive* (chefs kiss)!