A review by sidewalk_pirate
Fermented Vegetables: Creative Recipes for Fermenting 64 Vegetables & Herbs in Krauts, Kimchis, Brined Pickles, Chutneys, Relishes & Pastes by Christopher Shockey, Kirsten K. Shockey


I received a copy of this book for review from Storey Publishing

Ok... I have a confession to make. I love Storey books! I love, love, love them. I know, every time I get a book published by them, that it will be awesome (only ONE book so far, that I haven't liked, but that was the subject).

This book was no exception. Wonderfully detailed, step by step instructions and explanations of the why and hows of fermenting. Clear and inspiring pictures throughout the book. You just want to run out and get started!

My husband and I have been trying to eat more seasonal. Alas there are things we simply LOVE and want year round. So we have also been thinking about fermenting. Sure, we have made Kraut before, but that was about the extent of it.(We shall not speak of the wine, that accidentally turned to vinegar.)
We knew there must be more out there, but to be honest, we "didn't have time" do do all the research to find out the what and hows. Then a bunch of my friends got interested in fermenting at the same time and my husband noticed this title in the Storey catalogue and I asked if I could have it.
A few days later, the postman brought the book. WOW did it ever open our eyes!

Not only did we now have all the research right at our fingertips, without having to search all over the internet, but it came with easy to understand instructions, was portable to the grocery store (yes, we still don't have "internet on the go", we don't have iPhones...we live like cave men around here), and gave us suggestions, we would never have dreamed up to search for.

Wonderful recipes, not just instructions on how to ferment things, but what to make with it afterwards! Fermented Breakfast anyone? No.. don't ferment your breakfast, but have some Kimcheese, or sauerkraut frittata, maybe... RIGHT??? you would NOT think of these things!!! We didn't either, but boy oh boy are we now!

We set right out and tried the Kimchi recipe from the book, as we really never found a Kimchi we liked any place around to buy. It. Is. Amazing! We will stick with it from now on. We did change just a wee little bit, but not much...we left out the fish sauce, since we forgot to get it lol and we left out the pepper flakes, since I can't do spicy (one of the main reasons we haven't found any we like and eat) Other than that, we stuck to the recipe as suggested and it was delicious!

Next we will do grape leaves!!!

If you have never fermented before and are really afraid to try it, get the book! It will take the fear out of you and give you confidence in trying your hand and feeding you family worth while food. Also: it is not as much work as you might think and only requires a minimum of tools (who doesn't have Kerr glasses around the house and if not, what is your excuse?????)

This book is once again a home run. It is absolutely true to Storey's mission statement. To serve their customers by publishing practical information that encourages personal independence in harmony with the environment.
Thank you for finding these wonderful, talented and knowledgeable authors!!! Put together with the most inspiring photography it makes for great reading and successful recreating!

I encourage you to try your hand at fermenting and providing healthy food for your family, while being in charge of every ingredient.

StoreyPublishing and their wonderful authors take the scary out of doing things from scratch, if you don't have family around to help, or teach you!