A review by thatbookisonfiyah
2010: Odyssey Two, by Arthur C. Clarke


Classic Science Fiction at its best!!

I was a bit disappointed that this second Odyssey abandoned one of the basic premises of the first book to instead follow the story from the movie 2001, but it works because Arthur C. Clarke is a brilliant storyteller with a great imagination.

Clarke predicted so many aspects of future space exploration, much of it at a time when we hadn’t even been to the Moon yet, that I am always amazed by his thought processes and his creativity. He was truly a Sci-Fi Master and it is always a pleasure to read his work.

This was my first time reading 2010 and I am pleased that I took the time to read it. I highly recommend it to all sci-fi fans and most everyone else. Take a few days and read this grand story of man’s exploration of the Solar System and introduction to an alien species.