A review by healingtothemax
Another One Bites the Crust by H.Y. Hanna


My new favorite installment in author H.Y. Hanna's ongoing Oxford tearoom cozy series. Why? Spoilers: feral cat lovers who have ever been chosen by one will understand the nail-biting scenes in trapping the savvy tomcat and the rewards in human-feline relationships when it all pays off with a satisfying match-up. Rest of the plot is nicely laid out and baked (in more ways than the main mystery!) throughout the book as our heroine takes on amorous bakers, limelight makers, and Museli-takers. Both main mystery is fun and character relationships across the whole gang (c'mon Cassie, give Seth a looksee!) are solidly developed. Standout additions: the lil ole lady who'll make you cry Mrs. Purdy and the feral tomcat with a discerning eye for bravely foolish sleuths in need of a distraction. Pip pip for the TNR promotion and the continued soft spot for cakes and cats. Now go on and have a bite of Maderia cake, m'luv, with a bowlful of whipped cream for your moggy.