A review by selenotropic
The Essential Haiku: Versions of Basho, Buson, and Issa by Yosa Buson, Robert Hass, Matsuo Bashō, Kobayashi Issa


An excellent introduction to the three biggest old-timey Haiku artists. The choice of poetry and prose by each artist is good, and the translations provided (mostly, but not all, Hass') are lively and clear. What really makes this book great for me, though, is Hass' presence as an editor. He doesn't just throw a bunch of Haiku on the page and go out for lunch. Hass' notes do an excellent job of discussing and contrasting the three artists, explaining some of the history of haiku, breaking down the form and structure, and explaining how challenging translation is. He provides nearly page-by-page annotations explaining double meanings, symbolism, and cultural context that doesn't come through in English, which is extremely illuminating. The copious notes, just as much as the actual poetry, really helped me start to understand haiku as a poetic form. A great introduction.