A review by juniperusxx
Crossing Paths by Debbie Robson


I'm a bookcrosser and I would have liked to love this book as much as I love bookcrossing, but unfortunately this book was a great disappointment. I became annoyed while reading this book.

The thickness of the book shocked me when I saw it for the first time. I would have liked to read the story in much more compact form, now there were too many books and characters, too much dialogue - the amount of countries and continents also made me confused. I certainly had difficulties to follow the characters which had similar voices. The love affairs didn't sound believable at all, and the whole book described bookcrossing as travelling, making themed releases all over the world and hunting for intimate relationships. The bookcrossers were described as 'serious' and 'profound' analytical readers, as literature professionals, not 'ordinary' people. Unfortunately this book doesn't offer a realistic picture of bookcrossing for someone who doesn't know what bookcrossing is about.