A review by illustriousbooknerds
Four Years Later by Emma Doherty

Frick! WHY do I keep reading books that mess me up inside? Throughout the entire book, my heart was breaking for this girl and when her parents found out....I bawled like a baby. I understand Ryan thought she cheated but the things he did were unforgiveable. Maybe I would be more open to forgiving him if it didn't just skip over his whole grovel, Like I know he apologized, cried and begged for her to take him back BUT its hard for me to believe anything he says since he said those same things before yet STILL abandoned Becca when she needed him the most. I was actually so happy when she stood up for herself and said, no actually, if I was in your place I would not have done the same thing. Honestly, I think she forgives too easily and I wanted more grovel. Real though, Sam is my absolute favorite. Still, I need therapy to sort through the everything in my brain