A review by sarahneil
Sky Pirates by Liesel Schwarz


May 13, 2013: SKY PIRATES?? Sky pirates??!! This is all I ever want in a steampunk book, so needless to say I am super excited about this!
As you can see, I was very excited about this book back in 2013. Finally, in 2020, I got around to reading it. I read the second book, [b:A Clockwork Heart|16169846|A Clockwork Heart (The Chronicle of Light and Shadow, #2)|Liesel Schwarz|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1369157501l/16169846._SX50_.jpg|22016548], 7 years after reading the first, [b:A Conspiracy of Alchemists|15849472|A Conspiracy of Alchemists (The Chronicle of Light and Shadow, #1)|Liesel Schwarz|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1351213445l/15849472._SY75_.jpg|21595633]. I immediately followed up with reading Sky Pirates. While the second book in the series was not my favorite, the third installment was everything I wanted in a steampunk novel. Adventure, danger, ancient ruins, and, of course, a love story.

Given the fact that it had been 7 years since I read the first novel and the almost absence of Hugh Marsh (due to being part of a clockwork army) in the second, I felt no connection to him anymore. Captain Dashwood made a few cameos in the second, but was the main star in the third and I LOVED it. While Elle was on a mission to find a way to bring her husband back, the slowly unfolding connection between her and Dashwood was wonderful. Unfortunately, the book left on a cliffhanger and there is NO FOURTH BOOK! Maybe in the future we will have a conclusion - fingers crossed. Regardless, I'm rooting for Dashwood.

So if you are a steampunk fan who loves the idea of sky pirates, traveling the world, discovering ancient and lost things, plus a dash of supernatural, these books are definitely for you.