A review by brittany_tellefsen
Just Another Missing Person by Gillian McAllister


Rating 3.5/5

I am going to begin this review by imploring you to read the physical book if you can and avoid the audio because though I got there eventually, the way this was written can make the audiobook experience a bit confusing. Why? Because out of three perspectives, two of them are written in second-person, with the narrator addressing a "you" and it can be disorientating trying to figure out who they are speaking too/about.

I do not want to say anything about two of the perspectives as they could be potential spoilers
but we are primarily following Julia, A seasoned detective, who loves her job and prides herself on being a by-the-book detective, incorruptible.

Last year, however, she did something illegal to protect her daughter and now, her secrets are threating to come out. When a girl goes missing and Julia is put on her case, she is blackmailed and told she must get someone specific arrested for the crime, or her secret will be revealed, ruining her career and potentially sending both her and her daughter to jail.

How far is Julia willing to go to protect herself and her daughter?

Though I didn't find this one nearly as entertaining and engaging as Wrong Place, Wrong Time, I fully admit that likely could be a result of my audio-book experience. Like I said, Julia's perspective is told from a third-person vantage point, and then we abruptly switch to other narratives that are second-person. Now, I completely understand why Gillian McAllister chose to use these narration styles for these two characters. If you've read this book, you will no what I am talking about. And I will say no more about it. However, it could be a somewhat jarring experience while listening on audio.

What I did appreciate about the story, were the twists and how nothing was truly straightforward. You think this is a book about find a missing girl called Olivia Johnson, but ultimately, you're wrong. I thought the way Gillian McAllister wove the plot together was quite interesting and let in directions I wasn't expecting. There were a couple of solid twists near the middle of the book that took the story in an entirely different direction and very clever.

I definitely look forward to more from Gillian McAllister in the future.