A review by captaincocanutty
A Year of Biblical Womanhood by Rachel Held Evans


I read this books a few months ago so forgive me if some of the details are fuzzy.

Overall I think the book is enjoyable to read. There aren't any parts where I was wishing she would hurry up or skip a certain part, it is very well paced.

The strongest and weakest point of the book was theology. When she does dive into it, for instance when she's discussing biblical interpretation with the Orthodox Jewish woman from Israel or the various Protestant preachers interpretations and why she disagrees are some of the most potent and intriguing parts of the novel.

A point she makes subtly and very convincingly is how the Bible is a 2,000 or so year old book, and does adapt to the society around us. For example when she took things rather literally and sat up on the roof for punishment or camped out in the yard, which are things 99% of Christians do not do, because those acts fit the society of hundreds of years ago instead of today. Instead the Bible functions as "more guidelines than actual rules", and are followed as it applies to individual circumstances, since the one-size-fits-all approach clearly does not work, or as some people wish to interpret it for others.