A review by theediblewoman
Pablo Escobar: My Father: My Father, by Juan Pablo Escobar


I found this book hard to follow for a few reasons. There were way too many names and organizations to keep track of. It would've been helpful to have a chart or breakdown at the beginning of the book differentiating who was family, who was friend and who was foe. The author also skipped back and forth in time periods at some points, which made it confusing.

If you have even a mild interest in Pablo Escobar, you probably won't find a lot of new information in this book. There were a few personal insights included, but reading about a mega rich family evading the law and hiding out, no matter how "great" of a father Pablo Escobar was, just doesn't feel right. I also have a hard time believing that Juan Pablo and his mother were completely innocent and pure people after Pablo died. At the end of the day, I didn't really gain any information or joy from reading this book. Tedious.