A review by felinity
Doctor Who: System Wipe by Oli Smith


On a deserted world, the Doctor (Matt Smith) logs in to the network, discovering life within a virtual world threatened by the approaching darkness, but leaving Amy and Rory behind to face their own danger in the real one.

Of all the Doctor Who tie-ins, this has been the most disappointing read. The characters were flat, allowing me to hear the voice of Amy/Rory/the Doctor only occasionally, and the plot was only a slightly interesting twist on an old theme. There were some flashes of more (
SpoilerDaryl getting the Doctor's line, for instance
) but also some that just made me sigh (
SpoilerBlondie's hacked sword leading back to Silence in the Library
) and the copy I read still needed some grammatical fixes.

Disclaimer: I received a free copy from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.