A review by koosandriyaniretno
Full Disclosure, by Camryn Garrett


Simone is a 17 years old girl living with HIV. She's still worried and afraid if people will eventually find out especially Miles, the guy she's dating. Until one day, she receives an anonymous letter in her locker that says "I know you have HIV".⠀

This book explain how people with HIV have to live their lives feeling anxious of the stigma. It also spread the awareness of how people being treated for their HIV is just like any other normal person. They look healthy and normal, and won't transmit the virus just by touching, hugging, shaking hands, etc. ⠀

U=U (Undetected = Untransmittable). That's the rule. Just like what Simone said to the people who talks bad about her, "My HIV isn't a threat to you, but your ignorance is a threat to me." This is a really good book to read and to learn about HIV and to stop the stigma.