A review by kandicez
Homecoming by Kass Morgan


I’m glad I didn’t read this when it was first released, because there are so many open ended plot points I would have been very irritated finishing and NOT knowing there would be another in this series.

I love the relationship between Bellamy and Clark. Bellamy accepts that Clark is a strong, independent woman in her own right, doesn’t need his protection, and can be trusted to take care of herself. That doesn’t mean he doesn’t want to protect her, only that he knows it’s not his job. Vice versa holds true as well. This is a terrific example of a healthy relationship for teens.

I did not care for Luke and Glass’ relationship at all. Glass seemed incredibly useless and actually did need protection. Not only needed it, but wanted it. I know this not unrealistic, but it’s not an example I want my teenage daughter taking to heart.

This was a fairly satisfying addition to the series, but I really want to read the next. The ending opens this new _______spoiler_______ and gives no explanation and seems to happen with no work on the part of those involved. I want to see how that plays out.