A review by mistled
Ninjak, Volume 2: The Shadow Wars by Matt Kindt


In this volume (only 4 issues, which seems weak). the arc from the first volume is continued as Ninjak goes even more off the grid than he was before (which was pretty much completely) and hunts down more of the fantastic four the fearsome five the sinister six the secret six the shadow seven. Each issue is about one of the seven and how Ninjak finds and deals with them. We get some back story along the way of his childhood, just like previous issues. Also like previous issues, there is a story section at the back about when he first became a spy. Frankly, I am very very happy they didn't try to mix that in with the normal story. The one flashback is enough. Dealing with three timelines mixed together is just too much. But it being at the end of each issue lets you get in the right mindset for it and leave the present day story behind for a bit.

Also... ninjas. Magic. Spy stuff. I'm way happier with this series than I was expecting to be. It's that right mix of fighting and spying and weird abilities that must be magic or mutations or something they don't even attempt to explain.