A review by readfrenzy
What Lovers Do by Jewel E. Ann


I had no idea what to expect from What Lovers Do, but I’m a ride or die Jewel E. Ann fan so there was never a doubt that I’d dive right in. What I found was a singularly unique romantic comedy featuring two characters that charmed my pants off.

When Sophie meets Shep at a local pet store, it’s a classic case of the right guy at the wrong time. Sophie’s life is a dumpster fire, and even though it’s a terrible idea to enter a romantic relationship with someone, she convinces herself that a friendship with Shep is a harmless way to escape her reality—as long as they don’t divulge too much information about their real lives and as long as they stay just friends. Shep really is the best of guys: charismatic, funny, accommodating, and always ready for a fun time.

Shep and Sophie have such a great connection, and it continues to grow the closer they come to crossing the friendship line. I ate up all their inside jokes and banter. The competitive golf outings, cute doggie play dates, and scenic trips are entertaining backdrops to their developing love story.

My problem is I couldn’t fully enjoy all the fun times Sophie and Shep share because I was too anxious waiting for their relationship to crash and burn when her partial truths and omissions are revealed. I just wanted Sophie to face her problems head-on and deal with the consequences already! Maybe it says more about me as a person who is unable to simply live in the moment than it does about the story, but I shouldn’t feel stressed out while reading a rom com.

Even though Sophie is a hot mess, I loved her. I loved her devotion, her laugh-out-loud sense of humor, her endless supply of colorful eyeglasses, but most of all her big heart that always gets her in trouble.

The well-developed characters, fluid writing style, and original plot make this one entertaining read.

Recommended for fans of:
Rom coms

*I received an early copy to voluntarily read and review.*
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