A review by raquel494
Biggest Flirts, by Jennifer Echols


I received this ARC for free in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

I've read practically all of Jennifer Echols' books and they've never let me down... until now. Biggest Flirts tells the story of Tia and Will and how they're thrown together at every chance they get. And after hooking up one night before their senior year starts, things get a bit messy...

Honestly, I felt like this book was rushed much too quickly. The story takes place over the course of a week and a half, and just after a few days Tia and Will are declaring their love for each other? Only to go back on it? Umm.. No. I like a slow, budding romance that actually develops over time. It doesn't have to take place over a year, but certainly more than a week. There were also times where I was so confused as to what was happening, and how we'd gone from one thing to another. It gave me a bit of whiplash.

Tia has some serious commitment issues, and I'm actually glad Echols decided to write about the girl who isn't afraid of hooking up. You don't get a lot of YA novels with a protagonist who could be considered "easy," and I was looking forward to Echol's take. Will and Tia certainly switch stereotypes, in that he has no problems being in a relationship, while Tia runs away from them. Though I liked the different take in the norm, I still felt like Will and Tia could have been better developed. I also felt like there was so much potential that went unexplored between these two. Furthermore, the explanation we get for Tia's behavior felt flat to me.

While I wasn't the biggest fan of Biggest Flirts, I am planning on reading the sequel, Perfect Couple, which deals with Tia's friend Harper. I really do hope that the next two books in the Superlatives trilogy are better than the first--not just for my sake, but because, all in all, Jennifer Echols is a pretty good writer.

For more reviews, visit my blog at Bittersweet Reads.