A review by dylanperry
Inadvertent by Karl Ove Knausgård


Reread: February 2022
I still love this little essay.

Reread: May 2020
Inadvertent was lodged in my head for more than a year. I'm glad to see it lives up to the memory of the first read, and exceeds it.

Original Review: January 2019
The honesty on display here is raw, real, and appreciated. Because as interesting as the highs are—the success stories, breaking out as an author and gaining acolytes—to me, the creative lows are just as fascinating. And Karl Ove Knausgaard doesn’t hold back. He goes into detail about the years that went in between projects. Talks about how he labors, churning out page after page and yet still the story wouldn’t work. How he almost reinvents how he writes to get it to where he wants. This isn’t something we hear from many modern authors without the word, or feeling, of ‘failure’ closely associated. And to hear it come from a big name writer is refreshing.

Between this and his essay in Light the Dark, I’m beyond ready to check out his longer works. 4.5/5