A review by takethyme
Nearly a Lady by Alissa Johnson


If I were to judge [b:Nearly a Lady|9633083|Nearly a Lady (Haverston Family #1)|Alissa Johnson|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1293047226l/9633083._SY75_.jpg|14520408] by the opening pages, I would be hard pressed not to award it five stars. I relished the funny moments with snarky humor and cherished those little snippets that made me smile.

The plot quickly gave way to a richer, lighter fare with an offshoot of seriousness. It reminded me of Julia Quinn’s earlier stories with a likeable heroine and wonderful hero.

I enjoyed the many conversations between Miss Winnefred Blythe and Lord Gideon Haverston. He was a tortured soul with responsibilities who finally met his heart’s desire. Only he did not know that yet. Happily, I found his forthcoming journey and friendship with Freddie endearing.

Ms. Johnson has a special knack for characterization. Gideon and Freddie were identifiable and accessible. I found their honesty, including their faults, refreshing. From an intriguing beginning to a wonderful finish, it’s easy to see why [b:Nearly a Lady|9633083|Nearly a Lady (Haverston Family #1)|Alissa Johnson|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1293047226l/9633083._SY75_.jpg|14520408] has become a favorite of so many readers.