A review by elementarymydear
Perks of Office by Liz Rain


I really, really wanted to enjoy this book. There were some things I really liked! Emma’s voice was very engaging, and I liked the various side characters and the friendships they had with each other.

That being said, this book ultimately failed to deliver for me. I just could not find it in myself to root for the romance! We’re told very early on (and kudos for an excellent exposition) that Emma has a massive crush on Bridget, and then… we’re told it again. And again. And there’s a time skip, which I would have loved to actually spend time on, and we’re told it again. Honestly, I felt more chemistry with Emma’s one night stand than with the woman she’s supposedly in love with.


Add in a sprinkle of biphobia and a nickname for one of Emma’s co-workers that made me VERY uncomfortable, this one did not hit the mark for me. It’s such a shame, as the writing itself (bar a couple of moments) was very, very strong.

I will give the author another go, because I did really enjoy her writing style, and perhaps a different romance will be more of a hit with me, but this one was a bit of a disappointment.

I received a free copy for review. All opinions are my own.