A review by alyson7
William Shakespeare's The Clone Army Attacketh by Ian Doescher


At first glance, it seems like an odd combination... Star Wars and Shakespeare. One is a massively popular science fiction series that has branched out into a series of films (sequels, prequels, spin-offs), books, merchandise, theme park rides. And then there's Shakespeare, arguably the greatest English writer of all-time. His plays have lasted hundreds of years and continue to be adapted and performed for audiences all over the world. Maybe they are not so different after all.
Although Shakespeare has been dead for hundreds of years, it hasn't stopped Ian Doescher from attempting to adapt the Star Wars movies into a Shakespearian style. And he pulls it off surprisingly well. I am astounded by how creative he is with his adaptations. Not only is he limited by the constraints of verses, but also the science fiction storyline that was made for film and not for theatre. The Star Wars movies are very visual with their epic battle scenes. Sometimes, there is very little dialogue. It is a bit hard to have a monologue when you've got a bunch of monsters attacking you in an arena. Somehow, Doescher was able to pull it off seamlessly.
I absolutely loved this adaptation and can't wait to read the other ones in the future.