A review by mimsyweretheborogoves
The Blue Island by Pardoe Woodman, William Thomas Stead


ignore my rating tbh, i didn't go in expecting to believe any of it; i was just intrigued.

read this for one of my wips bc i thought i should include some stuff about spiritualism. aside from all the thoughtcrime business, it said about what i expected. was slightly insane and very much rooted in christian doctrine. the points are very clearly put forward, and there are some quotes that i thought were really pretty:

'Go, each one of you, in reality or imagination, to the edge of a high cliff overlooking the sea. Let it be a bright, starry, frosty night, and go alone. Stand there and meditate. Look down upon the lights of any harbored, anchored boats, and think; then look up to the stars. You know where you are, and you are fully conscious of the flickering and movement of the lights on the boats. 

You can see them. You are only a little way off…and perhaps you could make them hear if you called, but it would be easier to wait till the darkness breaks when they can see you without any effort on your part. That is how we spirit people are; conscious of those left behind, some willing to wait, others fighting and struggling to make themselves heard. It is only a little way from earth, and between this, our spirit state and the Great Universe, there is as much distance as between you on the cliff and the farthest star. 

We are only a little way on our journey—nothing yet forgotten. Love still remaining.'

like, that's such a lovely sentiment! if only the rest of the book didn't accuse everyone of perpetual thoughtcrime.