A review by not_a_violin
The Diabolic by S.J. Kincaid


Politics in space with artificial people. I thought, 'why not? It could be interesting.' Did it turn out that way? Sort of.

I've read at least one other book by S.J. Kincaid, and I remember really enjoying it. This one - not so much. Don't get me wrong: it wasn't a bad book, but it wasn't great either. The writing was good, the character development wasn't too shabby, and I didn't find the characters to be too annoying overall. Still, I found the storyline someone weak and really slow.

The second half of the book was noticeably faster than the first. I almost gave up around the pg. 150 mark, but decided to keep going after I started catching glimpses of what was to come. Overall, the plot against the emperor was well done, but at the same time, it was too normal for me. I almost wish there was more time spent with Tyrus acting insane than there was of the drama between him and Nemesis when she was almost trying to deny herself human feelings. I cannot say much more about this part without revealing any spoilers.

Sometimes, even with books I'm really in love with, I just want them to be over with. I want to know how everything is going to be wrapped up. This morning, I got to the last twenty or thirty pages, and just wanted it to end, but then another major catastrophe happened, and I almost gave up on the book yet again. Had there not been such a short amount left in the book, I might have put it down.

The ending itself was okay, but it was hardly from anything I didn't see coming. I don't know. I don't really know what else to say other than this book was like a really good chicken recipe cooked too much so that it's dry and flavorless. I know that's a strange comparison, but it's the best I've got. It had some really good parts with some really good potential, but I think it fell just a little flat in the end.

If this kind of book is your thing, I would recommend picking it up and giving it a shot. If you're looking for something completely different from anything you've ever read before, then I suggest you find something else. For me, it was worth reading all the way to the end, but I probably won't be rereading it anytime soon.