A review by tiamariatamera
The Wicked King by Holly Black


Mixed feelings. Mainly confused, I feel like I read the whole book having not read the first one, as the politics got me lost sis. I was unsure of who knew what and what everyone's positions were throughout, along with what the plot actually was. Jude controls Cardan - Jude has trouble juggling all her jobs, but refuses advice from ANYONE - Queen of the Sea sorta gets savage, but there's no real battle - the fandoms angry at Cardan for his betrayal, even tho its justified? There were so many little events throughout, but no main goal any of the characters succeeded towards the climax, the book was aimless. Like yeah Jude was trying to keep Cardan in check to ensure Oak can receive the throne YEARS later, but there were no goals possible to be solved in that span of time that I was aware of and were actually riveting. At the start, page 50, I said to myself 'the only climax I foresee for the characters actions to have any sense of accomplishment and substance was for Jude to be crowned Queen', oops there's the whole point of the book.

I feel I lost my love for the badass attitude of Jude, it just became obnoxious, and for her to be a savage to everyone 24/7 was tiring for me. I think once I lost my love for her, my love for the world slowly dwindles. I still found great interest in characters like Cardan, and Locke and Madoc's characters are really interesting to me, probably because they actually made obstacles and events for Jude to overcome. But I still found it enjoyable because of all the little plot connections throughout, the occasional blips of romance and some character intrigue. I think the plot was a bit messy and political aspects were lost, but that's just my opinion and its probably the way I read it; solidly paced for a few days - weeks spent ignoring the book - days spent reading The Gilded Wolves - then read the rest in two days. oops.