A review by gabburrit0
Eclipse by Stephenie Meyer


this was the only book in the series so far that dragged for me. i loved learning all about Rosalie n jasper more (cause duh i love a good lore dump) but GODDAMN jacob was fucking AWFUL in this book.

i mean aside from the outright grooming, MULTIPLE sexual assaults, and him just straight up not respecting bella's choices, Jacob is number 1 on my shit list. im not sure if that was Meyers's point (like jacob is obviously awful so Edward is the right choice) but she still has jacob and bella stay bestie so I'm really at a loss. granted, 2 things can be true at once and I still respect jacob for knowing what he wants and being a go-getter but like, c'mon man

besides that, this book was a whole lotta nothing for over half the book. there was the looming threat of whoever could be raising these new vampires but it was just lore and bella and Edward and jacob like bickering the whole time. 

2.75 cause again jacob SUCKED in this book and nothing happened n when things did happen, it was resolved in like 2 chapters. idk if this is a hot take but i would argue that this is the weakest of the twilight books because i couldn't even remember what happened in the movie so I really was experiencing this plot for the first time

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