A review by bodebeabay
The Loving Daylights by Lynsay Sands


[b:The Loving Daylights|1422262|The Loving Daylights|Lynsay Sands|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1183473216s/1422262.jpg|1412691] by [a:Lynsay Sands|17059|Lynsay Sands|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1194362953p2/17059.jpg]
Genres; Contemporary, Humor-Comedy, Mystery, Romance, Young Adult
2 Stars

I thought this was Adult since it is written by Lynsay Sands. Alas, it is not. Or, if it is, I never got that far.
From the minute I started reading it felt like the story was dragging.
Loaded with a lot of unnecessary information and it the story drag to a snails crawl.
Also the way it is written. For instance,
"They’d been calling all the numbers in Abel’s sister’s book for nearly an hour now and..."
Shouldn't this just say Edie's book? Another reason the story drags.
By page 61 the story is dragging horribly and disappointment has firmly settled in to my brain.
But I persevered to page 153 (39.53%) when I put it in my finish later shelf.
The thought of trying to finish it just sent me searching for something else I had to read NOW. Meaning, I made excuses to not finish it.
So now at 40 something percent it has been put to rest in my DNF Graveyard. There it will stay.
I have no interest in trying to read this one.
I don't read YA.
If you like ya, go for it & give it a try.