A review by novelheartbeat
Cytonic by Brandon Sanderson



I felt disappointed with this book in some nameless way that I can't explain. I really don't know why, but it just didn't have the magic that the first and second book had. I still loved the characters - Spensa is tough as nails and an MC worth rooting for, M-Bot is hilarious and his struggle with emotions is endearing, and I enjoyed the introduction of  Chet as well.

I also have to admit that I didn't know there would be a fourth book - I was under the impression this was a trilogy for some reason! That makes me feel a bit better. Maybe the next book will be better and bring back the magic of the first two!

Despite being disappointed, there were still plenty of things I loved about this book:

  • -The pirate champion and space pirates in general

  • -M-bot and his struggle with emotions


  • -The world of the Nowhere

  • -The idea of using the icons and their ashes to hold onto memories

  • -Chet's big character reveal

  • -The narration - it's absolutely still *chef's kiss*

  • -Finally getting insight on the Delvers

Things I didn't love:

  • -Yet another whole ass set of new characters

  • -The lack of beloved characters from the previous two books

  • -The lack of any real plot - this book just felt like filler tbh

Overall, this book just wasn't as memorable as the first two were. Fingers crossed that the fourth book will be less filler-y than this one! Plus,
SpoilerI NEED TO KNOW M-BOT IS OKAY. I actually cried a little when he made the decision to sacrifice himself!

This review was originally posted on Novel Heartbeat. To see a breakdown of my assessment, please visit the full review here.