A review by carleeiigh
Batman & Robin: Batman vs. Robin by Grant Morrison


Enjoyed this a lot more than Vol 1 - even if it is still a little weird with the Lazarus Pit story lol. I liked the focus more on Damian and Dick's relationship, especially Dami's interaction with his moth and finally choosing to be Robin once and for all. Loved the whole "clue" type mystery of exploring the old old parts of Wayne Manor. Felt like a haunted house and it was awesome.

People say Talia's always a little too malicious with Damian, so I'm wondering if they ever change her to be a softer character in future runs. Maybe it's because I read these without really pausing between the dialogue, but it felt like Damian got over the whole "controlling me through machines in my spine" pretty quickly though. I would think they'd be a bit more on edge about seeing Talia after that? Idk. Still was nice to see him confront and fully break from her

I'm excited to read Vol 3 with the Joker being revealed. I guess I didn't read Sexton as goofy enough to be Joker in disguise, but I also didn't realize he even had an accent either. My struggles with reading comics rather than prose.