A review by hipstamom
enLIGHTened: How I Lost 40 Pounds with a Yoga Mat, Fresh Pineapples, and a Beagle Pointer by Jessica Berger Gross


This is a quick read. I could have finished in one sitting if I wanted to.

This is a good overview book for yoga newbies! The formatting in the Kindle version was wonky (yes, I used that word.) Sometimes, the line breaks were crazy. In other spots, the illustrations were split and/or cut off. The recipes were difficult to read because of formatting and font issues.

I did enjoy the resource list. This is more like a memoir than self-help or a guide. I liked her relaxed chatty style until we got to the vegetarian lecture I mean chapter. It got so preachy that I couldn't finish that chapter. I'm a straight-up carnivore. For this to be a more comprehensive guide, the personal story should've been condensed. She wasn't really clear on the specific step-by-step "how to lose 40 lbs;" but perfectly captured the thought patterns of disordered eaters.

The section Warning: Fat is Contagious put me off so much that I stopped reading it for two days. Like other reviewers have mentioned, there is an undercurrent of fat phobia. Advising people to ditch their fatty friends or "take under your yogic wing" is obnoxious. It's not going to go over well but you can fit into your lululemon pants ;)