A review by babblingchatterreads
Saving Brad by Siobhan Davis


Continuing on with The Kennedy Boys Series the author still keeps us intrigued with her characters. This time around we have the story of Kyler's best friend Brad McConaughey and Faye's best friend Rachel O'Kelly's enemies to lovers story.

Throughout the series thus far we are always made aware of Brad being in love with Kyler's girlfriend, Faye. It was a dysfunctional love triangle of sorts that everyone in the family including Faye is made aware of. To top it off his family is off in hiding and feels alone until the Kennedy family takes him in. Faye has recently moved to the states and making a new life thanks to the assistant of the Kennedys'. She too has some demons she keeps to herself and not even her best friend knows what is going on with her.

An unexpected night between Brad and Rachel to let go and clear the minds of what they are going through begins a love hate chemistry. The downside...knowing that Brad is in love with Faye and the constant obstacles from their personal background are holding back to being more for themselves. The people affected are the ones that care about them the most. To let off steam it is the connection between Brad and Rachel that makes their troubles temporary go away. To add they begin putting on an act to family make it look like life is good.

The story will take you on a ride that will have you breaking for both Brad and Rachel. The want to see two broken people to have more in their lives. In order to do that they have to risk opening up and see that there is more to life than hiding behind feelings and actions. Their story was a saving grace and will have you believe that anything is possible.