A review by readingslug
Bloodrose by Andrea Cremer


Spoilers are marked by parenthesis and the word "spoiler".

God. I officially hate love triangles. Next time I see a book with a description that sounds like a love triangle I will not be buying it. Ok I need to make a real review for this so here we go.

Well, the story about the guardians and keepers and searchers was interesting, I just wished it had focused on that more and less on the romance. Parts of it felt rather rushed, the entire first half seemed far too easy. Only a couple of the battles actually seemed difficult. Up til the very end hardly anyone important died when the stakes were set so high you'd think there'd barely be any survivors. I'm imagining an ending where only Nev and Sabine survive, and some other searchers but none of the main cast other than them. Now that would have been a bit more realistic. And their deaths would have to be spread throughout the book, not all during the end battle (though quite a few would be during the end battle)

There was a moment towards the beginning (only minor spoilers, it's towards the beginning) where she told both of them that she was an alpha and she was not going to choose just yet. If she so chose she would be alone, that was her choice. And it was fucking awesome. I was cheering her on and celebrating her badassary. Then that attitude completely disappeared and she couldn't decide again. (spoilers kinda - though she had already basically chosen Shay anyways. I mean honestly, at this point they've slept together how many times? And Calla and Ren have only had a few spread out moments of passion, regardless of how much Ren loves her she has stated multiple times that she loves Shay and she only loves Ren because of their history. AKA they grew up together. End kinda spoilers) It really started to piss me off. I honestly wanted her to end up with no one (SPOILER - but no of course she had to have her happily ever fucking after with Shay. It would have made more sense for her to have been alone too! God. - END SPOILER)
And why does almost every character end up with some form of partner? Literally every major character ends up with someone with little to no drama except those whose former partners had died in previous books.

The Ending:
One time I was reading a review on The Screaming Nitpicker. (at least I think it was that site) and she said she hated epilogues. I could understand why but I didn't really agree. Now I completely agree. If this book hadn't had an epilogue I would have been happy with the ending (though I'm sure many others wouldn't have been). As it is I hate the ending and think it sucks. I think the author wussed out and made it what the fans would want it to be.

The Characters:
I can't say much because of spoilers but....Ren :(
Calla was a badass at times but a selfish spoiled little bitch at others. When a certain someone died she was sad, devastated even, then went "Wait, I have a boyfriend now! Let me just go talk to him and tease him and have nice light conversation and everything will be perfect! :D" No.
Ansel, you sad boy. I know a lot a crap happened to you but it's not like your life was over. It's not like someone you grew up with and knew so extremely well just died or anything (cough cough). Though I suppose I've never exactly been part animal so I can't really judge...
Adne: Ok I kind of loved you. You were so spunky and fun. But trying to sacrifice yourself was stupid. I know that love and blah blah blah but if you died then literally all of the people with you would have died as well. A little will power please? Other than that you were awesome, except towards the end when you seemed a little flat. But other than that you were awesome.

To sum it up?:
Not throw it against the wall in frustration terrible but not good either. 2 stars.
Also, this book has officially killed my practically nonexistent enjoyment of love triangles.