A review by happycrafter207
Her One Mistake by Heidi Perks


Rating 3.5 Stars

Charlotte’s world is turned upside one day while at a school fair, her friend’s daughter Alice, who she’s supposed to be caring for, disappears. In the weeks following the disappearance, Charlotte faces the judgement of the community and her own self-loathing for having let it happen. Meanwhile, Alice’s parents, Harriet and Brian are dealing with the loss of their daughter and the interrogations if the police, as well as some deep hidden secrets of their own. Told from the alternating points-of-view of Charlotte and Harriet, the story takes readers on a roller coaster ride of anxiety-ridden emotions.

I found that the first half of this moved along very quickly as I was swept up in the story, eager to find out more. Then the main revelation occurred and I found the second half to be a little underwhelming and not nearly as exciting. I feel like if the twist had happened a little later on or if there had been multiple twists, there would have been more tension and suspense.