A review by natetheworld
The Discomfort Zone: A Personal History, by Jonathan Franzen


As always, this is not a book report. Rather, it is an opportunity to discuss some ideas that stuck with me while reading “The Discomfort Zone” by Jonathan Franzen.

A Personal History

Looking back on your own life is more than a mere reflection. As you age, it is an opportunity to question major milestones and events. It is a chance to take stock of these experiences both good and bad in an effort to see how they shaped you. As you review, these moments interweave themselves together into the story of you. For those of us who choose creative endeavors, our art is an attempt to make meaning of these moments and share them with the world. They influence everything we write, paint, act, sculpt, sing, and express. By sharing them, we attempt to free ourselves while letting others in to experience our true selves. If we are really good, others will see they are not alone in the joy and moments of tumult in this world. “The Discomfort Zone” by Jonathan Franzen is an attempt to do this. In it, I found an author I could relate to on a personal level; one of my great hopes when consuming art in any form.

Be good to each other,
