A review by perpeitually
Twisted Lies by Ana Huang


Twisted Series

Twisted Lies

It was three days after I finished reading this book that I was able to write my thoughts on it. I must say that I am rather satisfied because the stories just got better and better after one another. Among the other men in this series, Christian Harper was the one who charmed me the most. Although his intention of pursuing Stella was a bit late to be explained, this, I believe, is one of several things that can be explored deeper to make the story even more interesting. But I quite understand that the author would rather display more interaction between the main characters of the book and other main characters from other books in the series. Also, I noticed the urge to introduce the new characters from the upcoming new series (from the same universe). Which I believe is necessary, following the amount of love each character from the previous books received. However, I must say Twisted Lies resided as second best after Twisted Hate, in my opinion. Followed by Twisted Love and Twisted Games as both books placed as my third favorites.

As much as I want to spoil more of the exquisite stories this series presented, these very books are ones that you wish you could read again for the first time. And for that reason, I won't run it.