A review by msgabbythelibrarian
All of a Sudden and Forever: Help and Healing After the Oklahoma City Bombing by Chris Barton


It is books like this that remind me of the humanity that still exists in the world. It is books like this that do inspire hope and resilience. It is books like this that do shine a light on dark events and how they touch lives....but often the good will overwhelm the bad.

I was five when Oklahoma City happened. So I guess I have lived through two terrorist attacks on American soil (what a comforting thought....). However, I knew very little about it and the Survivor Tree. My first foray was in a Karen Kingsbury fiction tale and now, this book for younger audiences.

The color palate of stark white and black and bits of green (with other little bits of color mixed....it's striking. It's thought provoking. Sometimes books with the strongest message do not need all the accoutrements.