A review by crizzle
We Are the Baby-Sitters Club: Essays and Artwork from Grown-Up Readers by Megan Milks, Marisa Crawford


This was wonderfully nerdy and profound for a book of essays and art on the lasting legacy of the BSC, written by people from all walks of life ranging from mid-40s to mid-20 year olds. They write on things the BSC books got right and wrong regarding race and colorism, ableism, families, deadbeat dads, adoption, body image, LGBTQ issues (Ann M. Martin is a lesbian?!?) and more… I was so glad to see a full segment covering “Kristy and Mr. Mom” because it put to words all the weird feelings I had when I saw my daughter reading that title in the 21st century. Oooh there was also an article on the handwriting of the BSC and the history of American handwriting that was so so nerdy and soul-soothing.
A couple segments I highlighted:
Maria, a professor of children’s literature (my fave college course!) was recounting her interview for the Rhodes scholarship and was made to feel like being a scholar of children’s literature is insignificant in “fighting the world’s fight”. “Eventually I lost my temper and lashed back against the bias implicit in the idea that something associated with childhood, women’s work, the humanities, and care is necessarily trivial—when in fact these are often the bedrocks on which lives and societies are built.”
“Studying a partially ghostwritten adolescent girls’ series like the Baby-Sitters Club may seem to some like a fun nostalgia trip at best and a waste of time at worst. But analyzing children’s and young adult literature can lay bare the structures that silently shape our everyday interactions and most sacred beliefs.”

“Growing up means a lot of things for the BSC members. It means learning how to stand up for yourself and be independent (a frequent Mary Anne arc). It means being accountable to your responsibilities when you’d rather be painting or reading Nancy Drew novels (Claudia). It means honoring your body’s needs (Stacey). Cultivating sensitivity and patience (Kristy). Facing loss and uncertainty, and learning how to seek support from—and provide support for—family and friends (all of the BSC members).”

While reading this, I had the thought that every BSC reader should write their own story on how it affected our growing years!